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planning tools

Page history last edited by Kedar 10 years, 11 months ago

Please add new links in the alphabetical order provided





Account Planners of New York Facebook Fan Page


Account Planning Confessions
a blog specifically dedicated to tools, methods and schools of thought in planning


Account planners of France

PSST is a 2.0 innovation network in France.


A virtual town hall for planners on Facebook.



Traffic rankings. Good for comparison mostly.





A useful tool from Nielsen that lets you track what's buzzing in blogs


Brand Positioning and Mapping Tool

A useful method for creating a brand template and visualising how well the product extensions reflect the core brand's values.


Business Exchange

A-Z list of aggregated business topics, articles, research, intel. Good for social, digital, mobile.





Canvas8 are a leading behavioural insights agency. The blog is available here and the main service here.


Cause Marketing

Blog dedicated to highlighting and dissecting cause marketing promotions and campaigns and corporate social responsibility. 


China Business Feature

Valuable resource for trends in technology, media and business in China.


Compilation of visual research tools

An interesting list of link to some visual research tools


Customised Plannersphere Search Engine

Search all the planners' blogs. And nothing else.



Desk Research Tools

Comprehensive presentation and list of links of useful desk research websites, tools and inspiration from the IPA


Digg Labs

Real-time visualization of what people are digging.






Flickr Planning Eye Group


Flickr Search Tool (Airtight)


Flickr Search Tool (Compfight)


The Four Humble Demands of the Prosumer

Planning interactive projects? This might help you help your audience achieve both your goals.





GapJumpers is an Interview Exchange community of industry experts and freshers. Freshers answer business/ tech questions from experts and earn professional endorsements by showcasing their expertise. (A larger version including the original planner mentors from APSOTW and more.)


Google Analytics


Google Trends



DIY, online qualitative research tool connects you with target consumers to gain their feedback for your planning purposes.




Harris Vault

Explore over forty years of insight released by The Harris Poll - spanning subject matter and industry – dating back to The Harris Poll’s inception in 1963.

Home Based Business



Internet Quotes

Quotations about the internet.




How to get a job in planning? Earn recommendations.

One of the best ways to get a break in planning or advertising for that matter is to be recommended by another experienced and accomplished planner. GapJumpers is a website where juniors can answer questions and earn professional recommendations from the best advertising leaders from around the globe.




Keeping TABS Q2 2011

Keeping TABS - an acronym for Trends, Anthropology, Behaviour and Strategy - is an in-depth round up of the key insights and thinking from the Canvas8 network, combining the expertise of their Thought Leaders and industry experts with the research of their in-house team. Free to download.


Know Your Meme

Website documenting Internet phenomena: viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, web celebrities... 





Media Publications Database

A database centralizing publications about (new) media. These are white papers, research reports but the website focusses mainly on graduation papers of "digital natives".



Marketing and planning mentors from around the globe are taking the time to guide and give feedback to juniors. This opportunity should help ad grads looking to break into the industry and learn from the best.






Overview presentation from Simon Law from WCRS on Insights





Planners On Twitter - A list of all planners who twitter, with links to their Twitter pages.


Plannersphere Top 20 - a monthly tracking of the top planning blogs from around the world


Planning Tools & Hacks - A resource of off-beat and non-obvious tools for planners.


planning periodic table



The day's (up to the minute I think) most popular URLs from digg, del.icio.us, reddit, flickr, youtube, newsvine, metafilter, news.google, news.yahoo and many, many more.


Predictive Pre-Testing - A New Model for Ad Pre-Testing Based on Prediction Markets





Traffic rankings, but with more estimated demographic data.






Social Explorer

Interactive maps of demographic data in the US from 1940 to now. Really cool stuff.


Social Media Monitoring Tools

List of free SM monitoring and measurement tools online.


Statosphere - A daily dose of statistics to help the marketer start - or finish - an argument.


Swivel - Research Sharing Site




The Four Humble Demands of the Prosumer

Planning interactive projects? This might help you help your audience achieve both your goals.


ThinkExist Quotations

Source for finding quotes. 



TrendFreaks - Facebook

Trendfreaks group in Facebook is dedicated to those of us who get a kick out of spotting and playing with trends. We use web trend tools to report interesting observations, display trends by stats & graphs - and initiate public discussions .



TrendsSpotting -Internet trends: marketing research & predictions


TrendRoll - user generated trendblogs directory, which maps out the best trendblogs


TrendOriginal is dedicated to the great trends created or first discovered by YOU. At TrendOriginal we follow Original ideas that can set today′s trends or inspire the next.
Follow @Why_do_you_run for jobs, ideas, friends.


Twitter Fan Wiki

A guide to current/historical Twitter icon memes. 



A wiki for TV media planning and evaluation language





unplannd - a pandora's box of social media resources


Useful lateral thinking thesaurus

Says what it is really, a really clever thesaurus, I can't explain just try it. Great for helping with positionings, and getting you started in interesting territories




Online graphical dictionary and thesaurus: finds meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Pretty too.




http://www.wordle.net/.  A great way to display themes from your research using keywords. Worth taking some time out to have a play and to see how it can work for you.


Work Experience Opportunities
GapJumpers is website for aspiring planners to get work experience by answering questions and earning recommendations from leading strategists at top agencies.






yahoo pipes - information aggregator example



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