Argentina - APG Argentina - est. 2006 (in Spanish)
Australia - APG Australia
Belgium - APG Belgium
Brazil - Grupo de Planejamento - est. 2002 (in Portuguese)
Denmark - CPG (Communcation Planning Group) - est. 2006 (not an APG official)
France - PSST - 2.0 innovation network gathering strategic planners - est 2009 (not an APG official)
Germany - apgd - est. 1996.
Japan - Account Planners Japan - est. 2008 (still a loose linkedin group)
Romania - APG Romania (est. June 2007) - in Romanian
Spain - AGP Spain - est. 2006 (in Spanish)
Sweden - APG Sweden - a newborn (Dec 2006).
Switzerland - APG Switzerland - est. 2006 (in German)
UK - Account Planning Group - the daddy.
INTERCULTURAL EXPLORATIONS - WTFog/ We are a collective of creatives & strategic planners
FRANCE - pourquoitucours (why do you run) - strategic planning company - est 2007
SPAIN - Event Planners in Spain - Planning Events for groups and companies - est 2003 (in English and Spanish)
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