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planning blogs

Page history last edited by Calin Florea 4 years, 9 months ago Saved with comment

Here are some planning blogs. Why not add your own? Maybe do it alphabetically.


Plannersphere Top 20 - a monthly tracking of the top 20 blogs in the plannersphere


25 letters in the alphabet by Nick Emmel 


A Brit Planner in the Rockies by Craig Elston


Account Planning Confessions by Kirill Falkow


Accidental Thinking by Anibal Casso


A Closet by Oakie


adliterate by Richard Huntington


Adspace Pioneer by Julian Cole


adstructure by Daniel Mejia


Adtishoo by adtishoo


Advertising Pawn by Morey


Adthoughtspot by Thas


AdvEyes by Loredana Cambiganu


Ageoldadage by Greg Fuller


(almost) always thinking by Gemma


An Enquiry Of Planners by Singapore


An International Smoothie by Sam Ismail


Angus Whines 


Another Planning Blog by Simon Law


Answer Blip by Ashely


Archiving the Day by Phillip Lee


Art of the Brief by Pete Heskett


beeker ideas by beeker


Better Mouse Trap by Brandon Shockley


bdecastella.com by Ben de Castella


Big Foist  by Gary and Kaz in Tokyo


Blog do Miranda by Miranda (in portuguese)


Blog do GP - Grupo de Planejamento, the official website of the Brazilian APG (in Portuguese)


The Conversationalist Blog by Luca Vergano


Brandalism by Oliver Henares & Mireia Martin


Brand DNA by Stan Lee


Brand Experience Lab by Jeremy Dumont


Brand Fabulousness by Brian Stout (LGBT marketing)


BrandJazz by Ramon Olle & Jordi Vilagut


Brand New by Gareth Kay


Brand Seeks Idea by Ian M


Brand Tao by Kevin Sugrue


Brand Tarot by John Grant


Brands Create Customers by Brian Phipps


BrandsIMO by Adam


Brand Tacticians by Brian Millar


Brand Thoughts From Nigeria by Bayo Adekanmbi Najaq


Brandwagon by Benjamin Y. Seldin


breaking & entering by Lauren


Breathing Since '78 by James Stevens


Buy me, I'll change your life by Heather LeFevre


C8 by Canvas8 (behavioural insights agency)


Cafeína by Lowe Brasil


Channel8000 - a planning blog by Pernille Fruensgaard


Chocolate4thinking by Luis Miranda


Chroma by Dino Demopoulos


Communative by Tom Sussman


The Cool Commentator by Tom Cleeland

Constructive Brand Strategy Criticism by Stefan Stroe


Consumer Connections by Paul Livingstone


crazyisthenewsane by Marie Maurer


creativepersonalbrands by Jürgen Salenbacher


Confessions of a Wannabe Ad Man by William Humphrey


Common Sense and Bravery by Fredrik Sarnblad


CoolBranding by Alfred Largange (a French Caribbean Planner based in Singapore)


Craphammer by Sean Howard


Creativity 'n ideas 'n everything else in between by Nes Sahinkaya


creative*glasses on blogger (mostly german) and creative*glasses on posterous (english) by Christian Riedel


cubemate by Dan Ng


Cultural Cartography by Max Leefe


Culture Shocks by Elliot Polak @ Textappeal


Curiosity Matters by Molly Aaker @missmolls


Curious (is) Planning by Caroline Ghatt


Curiousflip by Filippo dell'Osso


CUT THROAT by Martin Leguay 


Deconstructing Planning by Margaret Mariani


DennisDemori.com by Dennis  Demori


Desertlandscapes by Sarah Wareham


Design Planner  by Sangmin Lim


Diablogue by Michelle Lee & Sean Ganann


dialogue blog - discussing social media by Patrick O'Neal and Rebecca Brooks


Digital Connections by Graeme Harrison


Digital Plannery by Oliver Budworth


Diginative by Fran Hazeldine


Digital Strategy by Josh Klein


Disciplined Creativity by Anis Khan


Discovering Urbanism by Daniel Nairn


Divine Refrigeration by Pete Heskett, ex-JWT Global Planning Director


do.palicio.us by Adrian Lai


doublebblog by Valerio Franco & Mr White


Douglas Planner  by Douglas Gregorio Senior Planner - Brazil (in Portuguese)


DR | ADV (Direct Response Advertising - by Wim Andréa)


e/spyer - by Emanuel Spyer (DM9DDB - english / spanish and portuguese planning blog) 


Elasticosmos by Luis Gallego (DDB Madrid)


El Gaffney by Seth Gaffney


The Emo Planner by Joe Morgan - An Essex Born, Alternative Planner with Colourful Pants


Estalo by Luiz Mastropietro (JWT Brasil)


Everything Communicates by Tiffany


Experience Planner by Scott Weisbrod


Errol's blog by Errol Flanagan



Fallon Planning Blog by Fallon Minneapolis Planning Dept


Feeding Kat


Feeding The Puppy by John V Willshire


FinkThink by FiNK


Flußaufwärts by Tim Keil


folktalks by Tarik


Fruits of imagination (Leo Burnett Toronto)


Further and Faster by John Griffiths


General ramblings by Jesse Basset


Get on Strategy by Meg Hyland


Get Shouty by Katie Chatfield


God Is In The Detail by @LucianTrestler


Grupo de Planejamento, the official website of the Brazilian APG (in Portuguese)


http://happilymisunderstood.com/ by Tim Jones


Hee-Haw Marketing by Paul McEnany


Her Nature His Nurture by Sean Hazell (genetics by Allie Janson)


Herd by Mark Earls


Hindsight, Insight, Foresight by Ryan Gallagher - Euro RSCG Chicago


Holycow by Mark Hancock


How To Break Anything by Kyle Studstill


House of Naked by Naked New York


I BLOG FOR BRANDS by Nina Rieke (in both German & English)


i [love] marketing by Ana Andjelic


nail fungus home remedies by Simon Mills


Ice cream for everyone!! by Willem van der Horst


Ideas by Plannerzone


'If only we'd thought of that' by Richard Pentin


Ideasinmotor by Víctor Gutiérrez de Tena


The Idea Magpie by Oliver Egan

i-boy :: Postcards from the Blogosphere by George Nimeh


I'm with The Brand by Zach Graham


Impresiones, by Javier Velilla


Incito Mentis by Syed Abdul Karim


Interactive Marketing Trends by Giles


Invisible Ink Digital by Tom Eldridge


IF! from PSFK


IndiAdRant by Manish


InfluxInsights by Ed Cotton


Insight + Ideas by Tim Beveridge


IPA Strategy Group


Insights from Digital by Steven Habbi


It's complicated by Stefano Augello


Jason Oke by Jason Oke (well, duh)


Jez Paxman experiential things


The Journey's the Destination by Omaid Hiwaizi


JuniorPlannerIAm by Erin Middleton


Kirsty Burst & The View From Your Window by Kirsty Hobbs


Lellandia by Aperegina


Let's Keep It Interesting by Anthony Caravello


Lies, damned lies and statistics by Dirk Singer


Lifefilter by Ross Cidlowski


Life in the Question by Kay Hubbard


Life moves pretty fast by David Warren


Lipsticktheory by me from a DDB


Life Moves Pretty Fast by Amelia Torode


Life. Then strategy by Mark Pollard


LitmanLive by Michael Litman


Living Brands by Jon Howard


maker by Jeremy Tai Abbett


levidepoches by jeremy dumont - pourquoitucours (french engagement strategic planning firm)


Macuruja by Paula Villela and Anderson Sales


Make Marketing History by John Dodds


Man Makes Himself  by Will Whalley


Marketallica by Ozgur Alaz


Marketing Babylon, by Uri Baruchin


Marketing Best by Fernando Migrone (in Portuguese)


Marktd from PSFK


Marketing in the Digital Age by Simon Foster


Meme Huffer by Jason Lonsdale


mikearauz.com by Mike Arauz


lawyers burnaby  by Mill Harper


MisEntropy by blaiq


Modern Marketing by Collaborate PR & Marketing


my-tube by Rey


http://naijaq.blogspot.com by Bayo Adekanmbi


Net-Notes by Maurice Van De Ven


Netrospective by Kevin Mason


Next is Next by Donny 


Nick Burcher by nickburcher


Nino Worldwide by Antonino Biondi


Noah Brier by Noah Brier


Nomad Planner by Patt Nitikarn


Notes by Praveen by Praveen Vaidyanathan


No Man's Blog by Asi


Observatorio Social by Ezequiel Fritz


obsessive. compulsive. by Katie Dreke


Observations from the World by Federico Evangelista


One Happy Planner by Graham Alvarez


One idea a day by Nathanaël Este-Klein


One Size Fits One by Anjali


Once Upon A Pancake by Ariel Tishgart


Organic Frog by Corentin


Only Dead Fish  by neilperkin


paul isakson


peteheskett posterous blog by JWT SEAsia PD


Perspectives by the strategic planning group at PHD US


Phil Teer by Phil Teer from Brothers and Sisters


Pete Jackson on Planning - by Pete Jackson, planner at Holler Digital, London.


Pippa Kulmar's Posterous by Pippa Kulmar


Planetizen Interchange: A group blog on Planetizen, featuring commentary from thought leaders in the field of planning.


Plan your marketing strategy by Calin Florea


Planner's Delight by Sergiu Floroaia


Plannerly Instincts by Carolyncreative briefs creative briefs creative briefs


Plannerliness by Josh and John


Plannerwannabe by Pin Kasemsiri


Planning-A-Holic   by Stromi Lof 


Planning Diaries by Richard Mabbott


PlanningFallacy by Lestermarky


Planning for Fun by Graeme Douglas


Planning from the Outside by Mark Lewis


Planning Matters Blog by Todd Foutz


Planning on Subversion by Speed


Planning-Shlanning by Sudarshan


Planoma by Nick Davies


Play Ad by Manu


Positive Disruption by Tom Martin (poking and prodding in search of new ideas)


Propagation Planning by Griffin Farley


The Provocative POV by Andrew Turnbull


The Purple List from PSFK


PSFK by Piers Fawkes plus gang


Punk Planning by Charles Edward Frith


R.A.D. Media by Erin Danielle


radio clash rants by Karim Mélaouah


Right-Half Chow by Yves Van Landeghem


Robert's Playground by Robert Essenstam


Rock'n'roll & advertising by Casper Willer


Rookie Planner - A blog about an AE trying to make it as a planner!


RueArchimede by Raimonds Bricis


Seemingly Unconnected by Katy Lindemann


Semantic Argument by Rob Meyerson


shana; not out on VHS yet by Shana Ray


sinSign[dot com] by Camilo La Cruz - lowbrow semiotics


some clever stuff by Jason Knight


Social-Creature culture and consumer insight by Jenka Gurfinkel


Social Hallucinations by Daria Radota Rasmussen


Southern Planner by Mike Cox


Spaghetti Car Banana by Max Wright


Spinning Around by James Gordon-MacIntosh


Strategy 403 by Noah Robinson


Streetwise Planning by Guillermo Navarro


Stuff That Is Relevant by Sam Joseph


Syllabus by Gillian Lanyon


Take5Interactive by Rohn Jay Miller


Talent Imitates, Genius Steals by Faris


Text Appeal by Elliott Polak


The Adnostic by Lauren Isaacson


The Ad Edition by Karl Turley


The Breakfast Club - A community blog by Flamingo San Francisco


The Conversationalist by Luca Vergano


The Curious Brain  by Michael Paredrakos (mpared ;0) 


The Future is Bright by Kenji Summers


The Mental Digestive by Louise Kennedy


The Planning Lab by Leon


The Tiny Desk by Amrita Bhatia


thingsdonotchangewechange by MikeJ


ThingsThatLondonNeversaw by Aaron Moy


think native by Mark Sng


thinkbeforeyouad.com by Alessandro Mese


ThinkSeeDoDifferently by Joel R. Johnson


ThinkTank Treasury by Christie Abshire


thinking to plan, planning to think - By Baba - a planning site for J town planners (Jakarta, Indonesia)


This Is Clutch by Ken Fisher


This is an ad for thisisanad.com by Nick Emmel and Toby Horry


Through The Looking Glass by Oliver Luard


Together-in-between by Tracey Follows


Tom Sanders says hi by Tom Sanders


Tom and Steph's Office by Tom and Steph


The OneBrandBlog by Rodney Tanner


TreesandForest by Robert Graup


TrendPlanner by Matt Saunders


TrendsSpotting by Dr. Taly Weiss


Trendspotting by Eva Hasson


Truth about Branding by Ajinkya Pawar


influx insights by ed cotton


Northern Planner by Andrew Hovells


Nil Desperandum by Ed Tam


Uba-Kontrovasie by Dhiren Shingadia


Urban Planning Blog by Pratik Mhatre


Ubermore notes by Mike Williams from Ubermore , also Ubermore blog


Un plan brillante by Aleix Gabarre from JWT Barcelona


Unplanned - Brazilian Collective Planning Blog (in Portuguese)


unplannd - a pandora's box of social media resources by campeuno


UrbanStrategist by Planner Ozioma


Vincent Thome by Vincent


Viva La Revolucion by the minds at StrawberryFrog


Vital Signs by Joel Diamond and Phil Bassot


Waggledancers (strategy as collaboration) by John Griffiths


Watchingism Craig Harries


WellMANIA - thoughts of an aspiring planner and brand strategist, by Brad Wellman


Wordcrunching by Alex Steer


We Are Social by Robin Grant et al


What's the idea? by Steve Poppe


whizdumb by Sean Miller


Will it Brand? by Pedro Rocha


Who am I to say? by Rye


Wordsmith by Jeff Paiva (In portuguese, since I'm from Brazil)


Work hard + be nice to people by Graham Furlong


WTFog by Alex MEYER (On Line Mag in French but soon in English & Facebook Page in English Here)


Yet Another Planning Blog by Robin Jaffray (I knew I shouldn't have started it with a Y)


Yellowing by AZK Komunikazioa team


Zeroinfluence by Zeroinfluencer


Undercurrent by Moira Gill


Comments (2)

Mark Lester said

at 4:20 pm on Sep 2, 2010

Regretting not choosing a name beginning with 'a' for my blog.

Ed Castillo said

at 9:42 pm on Nov 19, 2010

PHD Perspectives has moved to: http://www.mediabizbloggers.com/phd-perspectives


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