Listed by Author
APG Books on Account Planning, Winning Award Entries etc
Brands and Branding, by Rita Clifton, John Simmons, Sameena Ahmad, The Economist
The Long Tail, Chris Anderson
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden
The Art of Problem Solving by Russell Ackoff
Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernhoff (Forrester Research) Must read books about creating and successfully using social technologies strategies
Personality Not Included, by Rohit Bhargava
Hoopla, Crispin, Porter and Bogusky and Warren Berger
Under The Radar -Talking To Today's Cynical Consumer by Jonathan Bond & Richard Kirshenbaum
Brands and Branding, by Rita Clifton, John Simmons, Sameena Ahmad, The Economist
Hoopla, Crispin, Porter and Bogusky and Warren Berger
Communication Strategy a best practice guide to developing communication campaigns available as a free PDF download, produced by the IPA, ISBA, MCCA and PRCA. You need to register and login to download the guide, but registration is free too.
Mediated, by Thomas de Zengotita
Disruption, by Jean-Marie Dru
The Advertised Mind, by Erik Du Plessis
Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner (great examples of using desk & primary research in quirky ways to get to the heart of what was really going on)
Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature, by Mark Earls
Creating Passion Brands, by Helen Edwards
Juicing the Orange, Pat Fallon and Fred Senn
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher (inspiration information)
Watching the English by Kate Fox
On Bullshit, by Harry G. Frankfurt
The Mental World of Brands by Giep Franzen
Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want, by James H. Gilmore & B. Joseph Pine II
The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell (why its important to learn to trust your instincts)
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell (looks at how people at the top of their respective fields get there, "some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky.")
Purple Cow, by Seth Godin
The Dip, by Seth Godin
Tribes, by Seth Godin
Linchpin: Are You Indespensable?, by Seth Godin
Permission Marketing, by Seth Godin
All Marketers Are Liars, by Seth Godin
The Book of Gossage, by Howard Luck Gossage
Brand Innovation Manifesto, by John Grant - (A blueprint for "new marketing", and the place where the idea of a "brand molecule" was introduced. Best book on branding from 2006).
After Image, by John Grant
Made to Stick, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Nation of Rebels, by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter - (Essential reading for anyone interested in the relationship between subcultures and consumerism. And really, who isn't?).
Testing To Destruction, by Alan Hedges - (The book is no longer in print, but if you click the title, you'll land in the apg page and find a link to a dawnloadable version in pdf)
Advertising is dead, long live advertising, by Tom Himpe
How Brands Become Icons, Douglas A. Holt
Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of Crowd is Driving the Future of Business, by Jeff Howe
Convergence Culture, by Henry Jenkins
Everything Bad is Good for You, by Steven Johnson
Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim
Under The Radar -Talking To Today's Cynical Consumer by Jonathan Bond & Richard Kirshenbaum
No Logo, by Naomi Klein
Masterclass in Brand Planning by Stephen King
We think - The Power of Collective Creativity by Charles Leadbeater
Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernhoff (Forrester Research) Must read book about creating and successfully using social technologies strategies
Buyology, by Martin Lindstrom (reaserch oriented. explores neuroscience in marketing-research)
The Gift, by Marcel Mauss
Culture and Consumption, by Grant McCracken
Culture and Consumption II, by Grant McCracken
Flock and Flow, by Grant McCracken
Eating the Big Fish, by Adam Morgan - provides 8 key strategic principles for aspiring challenger brands
The Pirate Inside by Adam Morgan
Orbiting the Giant Hairball, by Gordon MacKenzie -- an interesting read on how to maintain an "outsiders" perspective in order to maximize your innovative thinking and creativity. and inspirational read that you can apply in numerous ways to business and life.
The Brand Gap: Revised Edition, by Marty Neumeier
Viral Marketing: The Science of Sharing by Karen Nelson-Field
Mind of the Strategist, Kenichi Ohmae
Authenticity, by James H. Gilmore & B. Joseph Pine II
Retail Anarchy: A Radical Shopper's Adventure in Consumption, by Sam Poker
Hoopla, Crispin, Porter and Bogusky and Warren Berger
Nation of Rebels, by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter - (Essential reading for anyone interested in the relationship between subcultures and consumerism. And really, who isn't?).
Presentation Zen, by Garr Reynolds
Lovemarks, by Kevin Roberts
Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, by Richard P. Rumelt
Juicing the Orange, Pat Fallon and Fred Senn
Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky (looks at social dynamics in a digital world - contextualizes the digital networking age with philosophical, sociological, economic and statistical theories and points to successes and failures.)
Brands and Branding, by Rita Clifton, John Simmons, Sameena Ahmad, The Economist
Perfect Pitch, by Jon Steel (how to be better at presentations generally and pitches in particular)
Truth, Lies and Advertising, by Jon Steel - (If you're going to read one book about planning, read this one, it'll tell you what the job is and whether you might like it - russell)
Hey Whipple, Squeeze This, by Luke Sullivan
The Wisdom of Crowds, James Surowiecki
How Brands Grow by Prof. Byron Sharp
Click: What Millions od People Are Doing Online and Why it Matters, by Bill Tancer
Why We Buy, by Paco Underhill
The Hummer and the Mini: Navigating the Contradictions of the New Trend Landscape, by Robyn Waters
Readings in Account Planning, by Hart Weichselbaum
Brand Hijack by Alex Wipperfurth
Sheet Metal by Matt
A Technique For Producing Ideas by James Webb Young (because creative is not a department)
How Customers Think by Gerald Zaltman (focused on concensus maps and very customer centric)
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